Sunday, August 15, 2010

This week ...

was a busy one for me!

On Monday, I had an appointment to listen to baby's heartbeat. Well, baby Avery had another idea, apparently. We couldn't hear the heartbeat, so I got to have another ultrasound. Everything is fine, and we got to see him/her jump! Little booger just wanted to show off - already acting like big brother!

This sonogram pic is fuzzy, but the baby's head is on the left, with the rest of the body going to the right.

The rest of the week was a little anxiety-inducing. I had my dear friend Dana's baby shower to help host this Saturday. I brought lots of yummy treats, and made a diaper cake. It was a lot of work, but it sure was fun!

Which brings me to my next point. I LOVE making new things! I saw a video on how to make a baby sling, and I think I'm going to give it a shot. I want to try lots and lots of things, to see what I like doing, and what I'm good at. You never know what hidden talents you might discover! And if I don't discover any, at least I will have fun!

And it wouldn't be a proper post without some pics of my little man, hamming it up...

Playing baseball with Grandpa
