Friday, July 30, 2010

A Case of the "I Wants"

Part of the reason I have created this blog is to remind myself to be happy with what I've got. And believe me, that's a hard lesson! Here is a list of the things that I want SO bad:

A house!
The ability to be a SAHM
A dresser for our bedroom
A dresser for Quentin and baby-to-be's room
A nursery for baby-to-be (hence, the house thing)
The really cool Expedit Bookcase from Ikea

Ok, well a few of those are possibilities, but not all of them .... not yet at least. And that's ok, because you know what? I am blessed! I have a loving husband, a handsome, sweet, and loving little boy, and a little miracle growing in my belly right now. And that's enough! God has truly blessed me and my family. He always provides for us, without fail! He is faithful to us, so in return, I must remember to be faithful to Him. I need to trust in Him, and know that He will continue to provide for us.

I am striving to remember daily all that I have to be thankful for. It's so easy to focus on the bad stuff - debt, being overweight, not being able to stay at home with my little boy. But when I start to think about the positive stuff, I can't help but smile!

Thought for the day - "Happiness isn't having what you want; it's wanting what you have."


Oh, speaking of my little cutie, here is a picture of him doing what he loves to do - "helping" Mommy clean dishes. :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Beginning

Wow, first blog. What to say...

I guess I'll start with what I expect to gain from blogging. I'm hoping to learn more about myself, maybe to figure out some hopes and dreams that are stuck deep in my subconscious. Maybe I'll discover a hidden talent or skill. Maybe I'll meet new people, who share the same interests and view of life. Or, maybe this will just become a good place to say what I'm thinking, to clear my head. Either way, it's something to do!

I'd love to fill this blog with pictures, quotes, and ideas. I'm excited to see where this thing goes...
